District 1 supervisor Carol Springer presented her "balance-the-budget" ideas at the board's January 5th meeting in Prescott, but none was voted on. Yavapai Central has obtained a copy of what was presented on the screen from county administrator, Julie Ayers. The Excel file is titled "Budget Deficit for Carol" and is copied unaltered to the right. (click to read full-size)
The additional compensation under the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program is authorized by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which President Bush signed on Oct. 3, 2008.
Supervisors Thurman and Davis took issue with some of Springer's cuts and discussed curtailing both road and capital improvements projects and keeping employees.
But officials admittedly cannot separate the task of balancing the budget from facing the deficit in the Special Jail District. And, indeed, this fact was not lost on the supervisors, although they are separated on the agenda. Along with the study session on how the county's half cent sales tax is to be spent and what to do with the $50 million lease-purchase agreement (loan) taken out last year...
2. Board of Supervisors - Discussion on the County's budget, including capital improvements and regional road program and consider with possible action: 1) Re-allocation of the County's half cent sales tax; and 2) Status of the $50 million capital improvements loan.
...there will be a discussion prior to it on when to go back to the public to ask for additional sales tax revenue to put the jail district back in the black and build a new adult detention center in the county seat.
1. Yavapai County Jail District - the Board of Supervisors will resolve into the Board of Directors of the Yavapai County Jail District and following consideration of this item will reconvene as the Board of Supervisors. Discussion and consideration of a potential time line proposing the levy of an additional Yavapai County Jail District Excise Tax. Julie Ayers, County Administrator.
The target date for reintroducing the tax mentioned at the board's last meeting was September 1st of this year, however supporting materials for tomorrow's study session shows time lines for eight possible election dates, as early as March 10th of this year and as late as November 2nd of next year. However, the deadline for the early date, the time line shows, has already passed.
The state's Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) has briefed Arizona state legislators on options for the fiscal year 2009 and 2010 budgets. The details were released last week and a county-by-county analysis is expected soon. One key point the supervisors will also have to figure into any county budget discussions is that state revenue is not projected to return to 2008 levels until at least 2012.
In other business, the board will be deciding on their representation on various organizations and entities. This includes the chairmanship of the Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO) Executive Board, a position currently held by supervisor Springer.
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