In our last post we estimated the total cost of returning the $50 million loan the county voted to take out last year at $1,881,276. We were a little low. Budget director Donna Fagan provided us with the actual costs. We did not take into account interest accumulated on the money in the plus column or various costs incurred in taking out the loan in the minus column. Here's a printout of the document sent to us by Ms Fagan. We had to do some handy cutting and pasting to get it to fit on a standard sheet for the scanner. Just click on the image to see it at a size large enough to read.
If you add up all the pluses and minuses you'll learn the total cost of the loan, at a minimum, if returned at the earliest possible date, will be $2,071,872.21. Just for the record.
I think you'd have to call this "debt" a monumental mistake! Linda